Government Oversite

Welcome to the Strafford NH Regional Planning Commission. The Commission meeting convened on April 19, 2013, Suite 12, 150 Wakefield Street, Rochester Community Center and began at 9:00am.

00:01 Fire alarm interrupts meeting.

00:26 Introductions

01:09 Staff communications; finding summer interns; annual commissioners luncheon; additional alternates for SRPC executive committee;

02:38 approval of previous meeting minutes.

03:37 Marc Ambrosi, ten year plan report; scoring criteria;

15:48 Rad Nichols, COAST bus, argues NHDOT decision Lens software scoring criteria doen not account for non transportation projects; interconnected systems; treating all modes fairly;

39:29 Kenn Ortmann, Rochester, discusses dues paying members and non dues paying members; penalties for member towns that do not pay dues to the SRPC;

43:00 Marsha Gasse, Dover, discusses difficulties in showing their planning dept. concrete benefits to paying dues to the SRPC;

45:07 Tony McManus, Dover, discusses his frustration when trying to convince the City of Dover to pay membership dues of 20,000.00

50:15 Kenn Ortmann, Rochester, proposes motion- projects that are not multi jurisdictional should be docked 5 points off of the total scoring number- a penalty for not paying dues to the SRPC; discussion ensues over the penalty;

1:07:36 Vote to accept the scoring criteria change by roll call vote; Kenn Ortmann motions to forward the document with adjusted scoring numbers to NHDOT.

1:08:38 Kenn Ortmann, 2nd motion; correspondence to accompany the scoring criteria document to be sent to NHDOT; clarification of what will be sent; discussion of CMAQ projects being removed from criteria listed projects;

1:16:30 Roll call vote on motion.

1:17:22 Discussion items; turnpike projects; Newington Dover bridge project; need for additional toll funding to complete project; complete streets U3 alternative exit 10 project; regional importants of U3 complete streets projects; congestion; safety issues; new jobs;

1:21:54 Marilyn Barton, SRPC administrator,Title 6 environmental justice update; discussion of how the public comment period is posted on website;

1:23:45 Rochester park and ride update; Marc Ambrosi, SRPC; why have the cost increased to 2 million dollars; drainage engineering; Lee Park and Ride update;

1:31:48 Marilyn Barton, update to public participation plan;

1:32:23 Rad Nichols, COAST BUS, gives a project update; ridership; Pease International Trade Port; cutting back due to CMAQ funding dispersions;

1:35:00 Marsha Gasses, Dover- gives project update; Greenville Rd project;

1:35:43 Dan Camara, SRPC, gives an update; American fact finder webinar; Marc Ambrosi, SRPC- gives update; Wagon Hill project; trail mapping; Bi annual post passenger surveys; feedback on ridership; seacoast bike to work week;

1:41:24 Cynthia Copeland; SRPC; visioning for the regional master plan and the metropolitan transportation plan; (CED) Comprehensive Economic Development designation status; Applying for grant funds; Water and sewer infrastructure grants;