Government Oversite

Welcome to the Wakefield School Board meeting from 10/16/13. The board met at the Paul School Library, 60 Taylor Way and began at 5:00 pm. For information about the Paul School, visit the School Administration Unit, SAU64 website here:

00:26 Review of manifest;

02:40 Pioneer Mechanical expenditure; repair of dishwasher in kitchen; water cooler in the middle school hallway;

11:40 Motion and 2nd to approve the manifest; unanimous vote; review of previous meeting minutes; September 18: discussion- corrections; motion and 2nd to approve as amended; unanimous vote

17:10 Public comment; Judy Nason, Wakefield, parking lot bids; $500,000; discussion- Nason comments that a policy changes can only occur with another Warrant Article; School Board adoption of policy; 1st and 2nd readings of changes in board policies; parking lot paving costs; discussion- inclusion of other projects; purchase of adjacent land next to school; addition locations; cafeteria locations;

23:07 Public comment, Judy Nason, Wakefield, $500,000 paving project; federal funding?; Judy Nason- "We should name it (the pave-way) the Steve Brown Memorial Throughway"; repairing sidewalks; creating other Warrants for projects;

24:51 Correspondence; town garage shed relocation; Crowels towing; discussion- other options for moving the shed;

27:14 New business; recommendations of the facilities committee; expenditure of $5,000 site analysis; $4,100 to re- key school locks; request to have sub committee meeting minutes added to member packet; motion to spend $5,000 with Harriman Corp; Motion to spend $4,100 to re- key building; both 2nd and passed unanimously;

30:34 Administration, Principles report; PTA community event; fall festival; discipline report;

33:09 Student Services Report; using a template for more accurate reporting; professional development; special Ed data management; catastrophic aid; Brad Kidder Law Conference; Obama Care (affordable healthcare act); identification of students with disabilities; Ferper policy; videotaping of students; NECAP testing; accommodating children who are on TEIR 3; developing plans for special education; para professional development plan; Will White consulting; life social skills training; discrete trial; autism; bright beginnings report; student inclusions; reading buddies program; medicaid training online medicaid tracking program; reimbursement process; transportation; driver costs; bringing in more medicare funds; doubling transportation reimbursements;

37:52 Discussion- medicare reimbursement of transportation costs other then bussing; driver costs; para professional; fuel; comment about assistance from Milton Resident assisting in navigating Medicare services regarding autistic children;

39:36 Curriculum coordinators report; 4th and 8th grade NECAP graphs; lagging reporting; professional growth committee report; updating professional growth plan;

42:55 Residency reports; update on Spaulding High school; school lunch payments; reimbursements; contacting parents that owe for meals; free and reduced lunches; reminder letters to parents; cafe services program;

46:42 SAU 64- area board meeting Oct. 21; Spaulding recreational department; adding agenda items; joining Spaulding High Schools SAU; renegotiating agreement of 10%; update on residency forms at Spaulding; Spaulding staff cooperation;

51:42 Old Business; para professional association requests new negotiations around benefits; finalizing process; discussion- contract; Obama- Affordable Healthcare Act information; offering healthcare; hours para professionals work; requirements; fuel oil price; propane;

56:49 Transportation committee meeting report; bus GPS tracking;

57:34 Public comment, Judy Nason, Wakefield resident; para professional benefit negotiations; use of attorney Phillips; Harriman paving bid of $5,000; number of bright beginning students; how are students are chosen?;

1:00:44 Public comment; Pricilla Colbath: RSA 91a: 4:21 clarification regarding a non public facility meeting; security; requesting minute corrections be done in public; discussion- how corrections are handled; questions process; discussion regarding minute corrections; Harriman site analysis; discussion- bidding process; site analysis; clarifying Warrant article stipulations;

Board goes into Non Public per 91a: 3, 2a, (tuition) b, (retirement) 2nd and roll call vote.