Government Oversite

Welcome to the Strafford Regional Planning Commission policy meeting from 8/17/12. Introductions- 00:22, Granite State Listening stations- 02:26, Culvert assessment- 30:45, Probe runs, Delay counts, Traffic Congestion Mitigation- 40:00, Q. who pays to collect data- 1:02:15, Sidewalk Inventory- 1:04:59, Q. Why not local level- 01:11:20, Sidewalk Maintenance- 1:20:41, Walkable Communities- 01:21:36, Q. Who pays for sidewalk inventory- 01:23:11, Map 21- 01:25:44, Bike shoulders- 01:42:13, Newmarket park and ride- 01:43:10, Whittier street bridge update- 01:45:18