Government Oversite

Welcome to the Strafford Regional Planning Commission's executive meeting from 9/20/13. The executive board has the duty to oversee the functioning of the Regional Planning Commission, its internal operations and budget. The Board meets at the Rochester Community center 150 Wakefield Rd, Suite 12 and it began at 8:00am.

00:00 Introductions; review and approval of previous meeting minutes;

02:42 September monthly minor revisions;

03:24 Approval of FYI 2015 community member dues; discussion- lowering dues amount; 1 year reductions?; vote to remain unchanged;

11:57 Approval to present 2014 billing rate structure to SRPC policy commission;

14:38 2013 SRPC achievements; managing fiscal year contracts; completion of contracts with minimal over expenditure; staying on track with existing contracts; moving agency into digital age, software, hardware and social media and general operations; public outreach programs for Regional Master Plans; advisory teams; EDA grants; Brownfield's grant; EPA grants; TIGER GRANTS; DES local source water grants; municipal grants;

18:43 2014 SRPC goals; community vision; designation of Economic Development district by EDA (US Economic Development Administration); Private partners; new grant applications, OEP targeted block grants with local match; completion of Regional Master Plan by June 2014;

HUD; broadband mapping; Regional economic modeling software company; REMI; discussion- Rochester exit 10; funding for Dover side of Little Bay Bridge; Exit 10 complete streets upgrade of Rt. 108; completion of public participation plan and transportation chapter for regional plan for use in Metropolitan plan;

22:28 Grant applications for two new programs; expanding mapping capacity; out reach to planning community through web based seminars given by the APA (American Planning Association); HUD regional planning;

31:00 SRPC planning involvement; GACIT hearing in Sommersworth; commendations to Ken Ortmann for a great presentation; discussion- past attempts to create an exit 10; FEMA and other Federal grants; discovering new grant funding; public private partnerships;

38:36 NADO; National Association of Development Organizations; employee handbook; NADO assessments; discussion- getting more participation; scheduling; SRPC Exe director goals; staying focussed; discussion of definition of terms;

56:44 Recess; executive directors review; discussion of format; simplified method of review process; creating subcommittee to review process of performance reviews; consistent evaluation form; mid year reviews?; staff supervision;

1:14:43 NH Rail Authority update- SANDRA KEANS; NE RAIL COALITION; NE Tiger awarded grants;

1:15:17 NHARPC (New Hampshire Association of Regional Planning Commissions)- Committee update; appointments made- two EXE commissioners to NHARPC;

1:16:40 Summery of NHARPC participation; mission statement of NHARPC; NHARPC legislative tracking committee involvement;

1:18:06 Commissioner BOB JAFFIN reports on the last NHARPC meeting he attended; Kimon Koulet- Lakes Region Planning Commission;

1:22:13 Legislative focus; role of NHARPC creating legislation; using lobbyist- NANCY JOHNSON; Map 21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st century) Federal transportation funding; spending flexibility; decreased funding sources;

1:28:00 Holding legislative outreach meetings; Delegation involvement;

1:31:40 UNITIL Corporation hosting legislature nights, dinner meetings; CARROL SHEA PORTER; SAM CATALDO;

1:32:07 Public private partnerships; communication with Senators and House reps;