Government Oversite

Welcome to the Wakefield School Board meeting from 6/5/13. The board met at the Paul School Health Classroom, 60 Taylor Way and began at 5:00pm. For information about the Paul School, visit the School Administration Unit, SAU64 website here:

05:53 Review of previous meeting minutes; May 15, 2013; Corrections; clarifications for future recorded minutes; motion and vote;

10:46 Math curriculum presentation- Math in Focus; comparison to everyday math curriculum; how it will effect older students; program structure; concrete, pictorial, abstract; math in focus, common core; pre-assessment;

28:06 Rochester math curriculum- UCSMP (University of Chicago Math Program); Algebra;

30:34 Time line for implementation; discussion of success of Math in Focus;

34:32 Motion and vote halted due to policy stating that the board must have two readings before voting to accept;

36:02 Wakefield technology curriculum plan; technology standards; ICTC (Information Communication, Technology, Consortium) ISTE (International Standards for Technology, Education); Back Bay Technology; digital portfolios; i10 statements;

39:46 Technology scope in sequence; motion and vote to accept technology plan;

43:23 Summer meeting schedule; location of meetings;

46:30 Grievance hearing regarding a termination of contract between the Paul School Administration and teacher Laura Lewis; Mr. Miller; non renewal letter; Lewis representative presents the background of situation; process of evaluations; lists duties and accomplishments of Lewis; summarizes administrations positions on the non renewal;

1:10:17 Date of last "observation" of Lewis; January 13th; professional growth plan; improvement plan;

1:17:02 Student letters of support of Lewis; lists of accomplishments;

1:30:30 Jay Mcintire, SAU 64 school administrator gives his rebuttal, position and reason for non renewal; Standards for re-nomination; long term goodness of fit; definition of "grievance"; provision of contract; non grieve able items; probationary teachers; non renomination at your finger tips guideline information; substance of grievance;

1:40:16 Jay McIntire asks Jerry Gregoire, Paul School Principle- what was communicated to Lewis; Jay McIntire defines the parameters for non renewal; "long term goodness of fit"; remedies; 2012 evaluation exhibit 12; stipulates Lewis was evaluated as basic performance;

1:49:54 Mr. Miller questions Jay McIntire; who communicated the complaints?; how many complaints?; McIntire states "a dozen" from Principle Gregoire.

1:50:49 Mr. Miller responds: "You're a liar Jay" ; brief argument ensues; questions continue; tenured teachers continuing contract status law;

1:56:46 Mr. Miller tries to establish McIntire has a secret rule/ special rule/ verbal rule "long term goodness of fit"; argument ensues;

1:58:15 Principle Gregoire is sworn in and questioned by Mr. Miller; why was Laura Lewis not renewed?; lists reasons;

2:00:19 Laura Lewis clarifies discussions between Gregoire and herself; expired certificate; professional growth tract; non tenure tract; Closing comments by Mr. Miller; members discuss when they will vote on non renewal;

2:10:50 Jay McIntire confronts Mr. Miller about his comment: "You're a liar"; short recess;

2:11:53 Public comment; Judy Nason- draft non public minutes being amended improperly, list of scholarship night student recognition; Member Cyre discusses draft non public minutes;

2:26:21 Submission of a petition to halt the attempt to remove member Vivian Macedo; argument among public participants causes recess;

Rules for public comments; invitations to present diplomas; questions submitted in writing;
questions and comments about math program, positive comments on teacher Lewis;

2:32:05 Judy Nason reads a letter of resignation from board member Vivian Macedo;

2:37:15 Andrew D'Agastino offers the financial report; clarification of Fresh fruits and vegetables grant line- Cafe Services; drivers salaries and repairs; budget review discussion; discussion of SAU withdrawal committee; nominations for committee- motion and vote;

2:59:57 Pump repair line item; maintenance budget; problem with heating circulator pump; controller mis- wiring; expected expenses; high speed internet access; Back Bay Technology service provider; motion and vote to renew Back Bay contract; 3-1, member Brown nay; ink buying- school total;

3:15:23 Jay McIntire- invitations to Bud Carlson Academy; posting a requests for a letter of interest;

3:19:00 Principle Gregoire announces the medal recipients from the special Olympics; residency form report; discussion of policy committee regarding resident form policy;

3:25:27 Public Comments

3:34:28 Acceptance of Vivian Macedo's resignation; motion and vote;