Government Oversite

Welcome to the Brookfield New Hampshire Planning Board meeting from 12/9/13. The board meets at the Town Offices, 267 Wentworth Rd and this meeting began at 6:30 pm.

00:00 Roll Call; George Nick administrative assistant records; meeting begins at 6:35 pm; Geary Ciccarone; Jim Freeman; Rob Collins; Rick Surrette and Steve Michaelski absent; Guest: Ryan Camp, Brookfield resident and Boy Scout, attending the Planning Board meeting for his Government Badge; Mail and correspondence; Town and Country; Carroll County Registrar of Deeds Anne Aiton letter regarding properly filing plans with the County; review of previous meeting minutes;

05:00 Dick Peckham, board alternate serving Absent Rick Surrette, comments on the minutes accuracy and completeness; Peckham comments that older minutes do not reference plats lot numbers; Nick explains a file number is required for cross referencing; discussion of minutes of Aug 23rd 2010; “Nason lot line adjustment”; discussion- finding missing documents; archivist involvement; adding document list to procedure;

10:00 Discussion- finding missing documents; archivist involvement; adding document list to procedure; motion to add a document list to rules of procedure; motion passes; discussion regarding the process of using a document list; adding map and lot numbers when recording changes;

15:00 Discussion of the importance of noting map and lot numbers for future reference of changes to lot lines and specific properties; board signs the mylar and the velum for a change to lot 12 and 12a; voluntary lot merger;

20:00 Board signs the mylar and the velum for a change to lot 12 and 12a; voluntary lot merger; Discussion- Strafford Regional Planning Commission’s Town Coffee meeting held on Saturday December 8, 2013; Click Here to view ;regarding an outreach provided by the SRPC; survey to assist in the compiling the master plan; statutory requirements to complete the Housing needs assessment; Regional Master Plan; regional impacts;

25:00 Discussion of how the RPC’s are funded; Granite State Future grant applications between EPA, HUD and DOT; federal sustainable planning grant; discussion of the grant abstract; concerning language in the grant narrative stating that the State RPC’s have concluded that one of the barriers to implementing The Granite State Future sustainable planning grant and HUD requirements is “NH strong tradition of individual property rights and resultant resistance to planning and zoning” that they (RPC’s) will work with the state and other partners to reduce these barriers; sustainable policy committee; office of energy and planning; regional advisory committee; discussion of towns involvement in the HUD grant known as the Granite State Future;

30:00 HUD’s involvement in the planning grant; following the funding; discussion of the perceived goals of the GSF federal planning grant; advancing program directives; budget of sustainable communities initiatives;

35:00 Budget of sustainable communities initiatives; appointed bureaucrats making decisions on our private property; Federal Fair Housing act; analysis of impediments to Fair Housing; regional equity teams;

40:00 Discussion of public involvement in the planning process; discussion of the structure of the survey taken during the SRPC outreach; bias survey’s supporting policy;

45:00 Philosophical discussion of socialism; form of implementing socialism; use of key word placement within government programs; propaganda tools; parliamentary procedures versus consensus; representative government;

50:00 “Useful tools”; who is responsible for the original ideas within the HUD deliverables; RSA 36 authority to compile a regional master plan;

55:00 Discussion of the process of planning and the political structure in these united states; Socialism versus Capitalism; voting as an act of violence;

1:00:00 Socialism versus Capitalism; voting as an act of violence; Federal level house rules; federal spending; Federal budgets; Government being rife with inefficiency and corruption;

1:05:00 Present school education; Ryan Camp gives his assessment on the political landscape; abolishment of slavery;

1:10:00 Federal HUD grants subverting local representation; Water Sustainability Commission; discussion of the architects of sustainable development;

1:15:00 Discussion of the architects of Sustainable Development; discussion of it’s purpose; top down versus bottom up plans; involvement or non involvement of the State legislature regarding federal involvement in land use planning; discussion of top down planning to solve societies problems;

1:20:00 Subverting local decision making; livable walkable communities; Granite State Future outreach throughout the State of New Hampshire; Carsey Institute listening sessions; telephone surveys; Delphi Technic; predetermined outcomes; facilitated outreach meetings; discussion of the Road to Hayek author of The Road to Serfdom;

1:25:00 Old Business- report on the potential zoning changes within the REC zone; Legal involvement regarding the review of the Brookfield zoning ordinances; Laura Spector; objective in REC Zone changes and clarification;

1:30:00 CIP; reports from other commissions; assets; road committee meeting; road book organization; road work projections; staking the Brice Drive paving project; discussion of Brice Drive road layout; maintenance of buildings; Schoolhouse project;

1:35:00 CIP and the upcoming town budget; motion made to increase the administrative assistance salary 2.00;

1:40:00 Deliberation of the increase in the Planning Board Budget and the increase of the Administrative salary; reducing the planning boards involvement to save money;

1:45:00 Office of Energy and Planning; NH statutory requirement to do CIP; ARC GIS program; discussion of planning Board accomplishments and scope of purpose; Discussion of town employee salaries as it relates to the budget;

1:50:00 Discussion- town employee salaries as it relates to the budget; employee and elected official stipends; standard operating procedures for employee compensation; discussion- cost of running town government;

1:55:00 Increasing the Planning budget to account for the proposed rate increase for the Administrative assistant salary; proposal to have salary increases come out of the Selectmen Salaries;

2:00:00 Discussion- Wentworth School taxes versus administrative assistant salary; paying taxes; taxation is theft; discussion- past GWSD school board tax payer actions;

2:05:00 Discussion- examples of taxpayer actions, motion to take the raise for the planning board administrator to town meeting;

2:10:00 Discussion- town meeting process; voting on a special ballot; motion to move the decision to raise the Administrative Assistant Salary to town meeting; 2nd; passes unanimously; planning board involvement in the SRPC; discussion- SRPC membership dues;

2:15:00 Discussion- SRPC membership dues; Livable Walkable Communities; workforce housing; SRPC budget; dues; gas tax; NHDOT; NH road tax; State Police; State Computer System; Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organizations; Federal Highway Administration; Strafford Technical Advisory Committee;