Government Oversite

Welcome to the Strafford Regional Planning Commission's executive meeting from 7/19/13. The executive Committee has the duty to oversee the functioning of the Regional Planning Commission, its internal operations and budget. The Committee meets at the Rochester Community center 150 Wakefield Rd, Suite 12 and it began at 8:00am.

Attendance: Bill Connor; Sandra Keans; Brian Tapscott; Kenn Ortmann; Robert Jaffin; Victoria Parmela; Cynthia Copland; SRPC Intern Shayna Sylvia; Visting SRPC Policy commissioner, representing Brookfield and videographer for Ed Comeau;

00:20 Approval of previous meeting minutes.

01:00 Monthly minor revisions; motion and vote on changes made by Cynthia Copeland;

02:57 Committee updates- Kenn Ortmann- NHARPC review retreat meeting; July 31st NHARPC meeting; LGC; Local Government Center;

05:07 Discussion of SRPC assessment questions; (The Board is using computer consensus software to vote on questions that will rate the SRPC and how it functions. Each member has a remote control)

12:09 Overlapping boundaries of regional entities; air quality boundaries; State implementation plans; Federal and State regulations; evaluations of Regional Planning Commissions process; Regional Governance; mission and vision; regional boundaries; Air quality boundaries; Meeting air standards; Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy- CEDS planning areas; economic development areas overlapping planning areas; fostering collaboration; local jurisdictional boundaries;

18:51 COG- Council of Governments; AMPO- Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations; organizational, regional collaboration through voluntary traditional hierarchal forms of governments; RPCs; executive committee self assessments; Regional governance;

24:57 Licard score; fresh vision?; process?; open access and boundaries?; members vote on individual questions;

37:52 collaboration with philanthropic entries; NH Charitable Association; NGOs;

39:20 Institute for economic advancement meeting with executive directors of NH RPC's; dialog at State level; meeting with NADO- National Association of Development Organizations- NHARPC- NH Association of Regional Planning Commissions; role of NHARPC;

41:45 Staff self evaluations; funding; local contracts; state contract; strengths; weaknesses; threats; digital office functions; Vermont model of presenting evaluations;

47:32 Executives report- Cynthia Copland; Sea level rise appointee for Study Commission (Study Commission established to recommend legislation to prepare for projected Sea Level rise and other coastal and coastal watershed hazards.) Cliff Sinnot- Rockingham Executive Director; appointments will reviewing NOAA coastal storm inundation and storm risk projections; meeting 4 times a year); direct drainage areas; NH Senate; coastal sea Level rise; Kyle Pemental appointed; SRPC quarterly meeting dates;

53:20 Master plan review due June 30 2014; 2 positions open from Rochester to serve on SRPC;

55:14 Scenic byway council- state level; waiting for appointments; Southern NH Planning Commission; letter to governor; new commissioner handbook;